Network Subsite User Registration – Change Log
- 2023-07-27
- Update: For WP6.3 release
- Update: Removed depreciated PHP approach (thanks to @blackdranzer for reporting)
- 2022-07-31
- Update: Removed the limit of 100 subsites, and increased the performance of NSUR (thanks to @cerice for reporting)
- 2022-05-26
- Update: updated for WP6.0
- 2022-01-19
- Update: updated for WP5.9
- 2021-07-16
- Update: updated for WP5.8
- 2021-06-24
- Update: updated for WP5.6 & WP5.7
- Fix: Corrected Uncaught ArgumentCountError thanks to @sajiddesigner the feedback on the WP support forum.
- Update: changes to admin notices.
- 2020-10-24
- Update: Removed the safety net added during 3.3.
- Fix: Corrected the is_user_member_of_blog() call, this allows the multi-network registration to function, thanks to @giovan for testing the multi-site & multi-network functionality.
- 2020-10-19
- Fix: Unfortunately after upgrading to version 3.2 (during the last 48hours). The subsite that users initially login to the Network through will have had their role reset to the default subsite role, as defined by WordPress or NSUR. You will need to approach your Network users/Admins to resolve re-elevating their access/roles on these subsites. We are sorry occurred. You should upgrade from version 3.2 to 3.3 as soon as possible. If no users have logged in during this period and you upgrade to version 3.3 then there is no further action necessary. Error was reported thanks to @majahjemmesider, @ismael_b and @toilebleue on the WP support forum.
- 2020-10-17
- New: Added compatibility with WP v5.5 wp-signup.php template changes
- New: Corrected links on the wp-activate.php page during user activation
- Fix: undefined variable php error fixed thanks to @czaker for reporting on the WP support forum.
- Fix: NSUR registration disabled on a sub-site, however, the default user role selected during Admin user creation is not taken. Error was reported thanks to @wynnset on the WP support forum.
- 2020-07-21
- Fix: undefined varible php warning
- 2020-07-19
- Fix: undefined varible php error thanks to @czaker for reporting on the WP support forum.
- Fix: network_site_url() hooked into an changed for user activation messages.
- Fix: network_home_url() hooked into an changed for user activation messages.
- New: Amended come descriptive on the activation page to better fit NSUR.
- New: flush_rewrite_rules only now performed on sites with NSUR active and user signup enabled during plugin upgrades.
- New: Force redirect on any attempt to go to the wp-signup.php page and redirect to the /local-signup/ page instead.
- Change: code refactoring
- 2020-06-19
- Fix: Updated password reset links to refer to the sub-site and not the Network URL. Thanks to @polger for reporting on the WP support forum.
- 2020-03-30
- New: Updated for WP5.4 sign-up template changes
- New: Initial page supplied on new user account activation has been updated with new links to the sub-site login page and also sub-site home page, rather than the network main site.
- New: Added different page content for a second site registered by user on the Network, depending if registering as already logged in or not.
- 2019-10-20
- New: Updated for WP5.3
- 2019-02-19
- New: Added support for WP 5.1.
- 2019-01-07
- Fix: Ref Forum ticket – When the subsite locale (Language) is different to the Network main site the confirmation of user activation now follows the subsite locale. NSUR has been updated to cater for WP 5.0.1 core security updates.
- 2019-01-05
- Fix: Ref Forum ticket – The WP 5.0.1 core update added some security to handle activation differently WP is now stripping the key from the activation link and forcing cookies to be used as reference to the activation key data. The key is also flushed out from the local cookies so has completely lost by the time the NSUR plugin wants to collect the key for use in determining the locale for display (which was added in NSUR version 2.1) for now this functionality has been dropped to not cause the 404 error with WP 5.0.1+ sites.
- 2018-07-21
- Fix: Ref Forum ticket – Fixed to allow login url which includes query argument “redirect_to=” to redirect.
- 2018-06-20
- New: Fix to Forum ticket – Added Functionality for the registration confirmation page to be in the same language/locale as the sub-site.
- New: Setting to configure the sub-site “default role” to be assigned during user activation. Roles available for selection are those without ‘edit_users’ or ‘promote_users’, this is for safety so that users who register cannot gain a role initially that allows them to remove/edit other users.
- New: On new user registration the initial sub-site language/locale is stores into the users profile meta.
- New: Added WordPress version 4.9.6 signup template.
- New: class-tabbed-settings.php version 1.2.4 added.
- 2018-01-31
- Fix: class-tabbed-settings.php version 1.2.3 added to remove deprecated screen_icon() use.
- 2017-11-12
- New: Existing Network users are now also added automatically as members of a sub-site when logging into the new sub-site with their existing username/password (Note: sub-site registration needs to be enabled for this to happen).
- 2017-11-11
- New: Further alignment with WordPress 4.9 initial signup template.
- 2017-09-29
- Fix: Where multiple sites are registered to a single user links always point to the local site (ref support ticket)
- Fix: Error thrown on registration page due to undefined variables (ref support ticket), updated signup 4.7 template.
- New: added a WordPress 4.9 initial signup template
- 2017-05-03
- Fix: Logged in users cannot register on another sub-site on the same network, they need to logout before they can register on the next sub-site. Version 1.6 now auto registers network logged in users to a new sub-sites where registration is enabled and when they attempt to access admin.
- 2017-04-15
- Fix: Signup Network Title is used rather than the sub-site.
- Fix: php object empty.
- 2017-03-29
- Fix: Sign up page not found with use of PHP-FPM (FastCGI) on the sever.
- New: added a message/prompt in the settings page when the theme was overriding the signup page template, should one have been created.
- New: increased speed.
- 2017-03-19
- Fix: WordPress Alpha/Beta versions not catered for.
- Fix: Text not translated
- New: Added readme file text for customisation ‘page-signup.php’
- 2017-03-09
- Fix: hook to Settings page within ‘plugin_action_links_’ is wrong.
- Fix: clean up of dead code
- 2017-03-08
- Fix: User meta not stored
- 2017-03-07
- Release into the wild.