About myself ..well to start with the big picture – up to Easter 1987 I was living life thinking I had all that it offered but in that year as a young lad on a Easter holiday while in a Church service I heard God’s inner voice and gave my life to follow Jesus. It was a complete new start I was new on the inside like a change from black and white into colour! So I’m a Christian loved by God, today I’m also now married and have three kids that’s where life starts for me and keeps me smiling…everything else is, well, just a bonus 🙂 !
So this is my blog to share my thoughts and interests, hopefully of benefit to you!
I got involved in WordPress back in 2012 and love to work with it simplicity and extendibility and my WordPress user name is justinticktock which is a pun on all “Justin in Time” jokers out there.
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